About Hempioneers

Hempioneers is an Arizona based digital media venture. Our operations are 100% legal throughout the USA.

Our mission is to provide reliable fact based information on the medical, nutritional and business benefits of hemp, cannabis, marijuana and their many derived compounds and extracts for industrial and consumer uses.

Once open, our estore will offer premium pay per view content from industry experts, and a small selection of the highest quality fully legal products for sale/distribution in all 50 US states.

An affiliate company, Phoenician Engineering, also fully legal under USA federal law, manufacturers high quality proprietary ancillary smoke industry products. Watch the following video for an example of Phoenician Engineering’s patented proprietary grinder product line made in the USA:


If you have something important to say and contribute to the advancement of responsible and safe cultivation and use of medical cannabis, let us see your submission. We are always looking for contributing writers of original or republished relevant content. Please do not hesitate to contact us to submit material for our editorial team to consider.

If you would like to be a featured author due to established reputation, or become a staff reporter committed to regularly contributing valuable content to Hempioneers, please contact us. We are always looking to expand our team of intellectual creatives who create high quality relevant content of wide interest.

Meet some of our key team members..

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